Why Should I Send My Child
To A Quality Dance School ?



  • Quality Dance Training has many benefits: (here are just a few)

    • Students learn to be more aware of themselves

    • They learn to control their bodies

    • They learn to discipline both mind and body

    • Doctors have found that people who were athletically active as children heal more quickly after surgery

    • Dancers and basketball players have better peripheral vision

    • Dancers have better posture

    • Dancers move more gracefully

    • Learn to play sports better (this is why most professional players take ballet lessons and many colleges offer ballet to their players)

    • Dancers learn the importance of team work

  • In dance class, students progress with each lesson. Students taking more classes than once a week do make faster progress. But the once a week student will find the fun and self-satisfaction which comes with learning to master steps and movements in a controlled stylistic manner (ballet, jazz, tap, modern etc...)

  • Dance students are sometimes the most busy, active students on school campuses (elementary, junior high, high school and college). They learn to budget their time because they know that school lessons are important, but so are their dance lessons. So everything must be worked into that little bit of time each afternoon after school. Because of this and the physical activity involved, dancers tend to have more stamina. And after all, it is people with stamina who win life's races, battles and challenges.

    You have made the right decision by putting your child in dance class !
