Class Schedule & Pricing


Base Tuition 2024-2025

-One class per week ...$65/month

-Two classes per week ...$120/month

-Three classes per week..$160/month

-Four classes per week...$195/month

-Five classes per week...$230/month

-Six or more classes...$265 /month

Drop-In Rates:

Adult 10 Class Drop-In Card (Can only be used for Adult Jazz, Adult Tap, and Modern): $150

Drop-In Rate: $20 per class (only available for select classes)

Fees and Discounts:

Annual Registration Fee

-$35 per student or $50 per family when two or more dancers from the same family register at the same time.

Costume Fee:

-There is a $95 costume fee per class. You have the option of paying this fee at registration or splitting it into three payments that are added to monthly tuition for the months of October, November, and January.

Family Discount:

-When two or more dancers from the same family register at the same time, there is a 10% discount applied to the entire tuition, less registration and costume fees. Students taking six or more classes per week do not receive a family discount.

Pay in Full Discount:

-There is a 5% discount for yearly tuition paid in full at registration.

 Payment Notes:

The BCDC will accept cash, credit/debit cards, checks payments for tuition and other fees.